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Subject Details - English

Subject Name - English

National Vidyalaya Senior Secondary School 2020-2021
Year Plan 2020-2021       Class: V-ENGLISH

1. April   1.Stopping by woods on a snowy Evening
2. June Unit test-1 3.An unusual Birthday.
4.Space Travel
3. July Unit test -2 5.Archne
6. As you like it.
7.Saving the Gir Lions.
4.  August Midterm test 8. The Rat’s Feast.
9.I found that out Myself.
5. September Half yearly Examination Full portion.
6. October   1.Soap.
2.A Brave son of Mother of India.
7. November Unit test-3 3.My Mother.
4.Man made Wonders.
5.Hans Christian Anderson.                            
8. December Unit test-4 6.The Wise old Bird.
7. An unforgettable Day
9. January Revision test 8.The Table and the chair.
 10. February Pre board examination Full portion.