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Subject Details - Maths

Subject Name - Maths

National Vidyalaya Senior Secondary School 2020-2021
Year Plan 2020-2021       Class: VIII      Subject: Maths

1. April   Rational numbers
2. June Unit test-1 Linear equations in two variables
3. July Unit test -2 Quadrilaterals, Practical Geometry
4.  August Midterm test Data Handling,  Playing with Numbers
5. September Half yearly Examination Square and Square roots
6. October   Comparing Quantities
7. November Unit test-3 Cube and Cube roots,  Algebraic Expressions with identities        
8. December Unit test-4 Factorisation, Visualising solid shapes
9. January Revision test Mensuration , Introduction to Graphs
 10. February Pre board examination Direct and Inverse Proportions , Exponents and Powers